Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A great fall~

I came in @ 5.30am.....
Started my day with a cup of MILO~
When to my office,did my daily job....
Got shouted at for no freaking reason.....was so confused?
*i know u stress but why throw over me??
Met my client,then while walking up I got a call from that man,
Kena shouted again~
Shouted back!
Kena warned!!!
So I walked away while he was talking,PISSED
My function was to start but there was a PROB,
I called the 1 in charge but then he raise his voice to me,so,
I shouted at him and he cried....
*my bad~~
But I was so pissed and wasnt thinking~~
I fell down the stairs~~~
sprain my hand~
*why didnt I just die*
Typing this freaking post also so hard.....i only have 1 hand!!!

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