its bcause of GREED!!MONEY!!
Its like there is no life without money,maybe true that money supports an individual but not all of use has MONEY....tats why there is POOR & RICH.... Recently I read an article about Beggars in my very own neighbourhood,this is no ordinary beggars!! Its a syndicate. Wanna know something about the beggars??
Their hands,toes are being chopped off,poured acid on their face....People Do Such Thing??
well not the beggars but the people tat is in this syndicate...This merciless "people" would send them(beggars) to a Pasar Malam to collect money,by just looking @ them, you would give some money even I would.... After the pasar malam is over, the "people" would bring the back.... If i am right, i dun think they are given money from part of the collection..... I do not understand what the heck is happening now days in the world....maybe i am not meant to understand, but it hurts my heart that this is happening outside,where I can only WATCH and FEEL but not DO.....
But we all know the "man" up above the heavenly clouds know what to do....
For now All I can do is just PRAY.....*or write this blog and share to you how I feel!!!
Thanks for reading.....
LOVE & SHARE will give you HAPPINESS!!!!